CLATapult was started in 2012 with the sole intention of providing quality CLAT Training to aspiring law students.
The idea truly came as a respite to so many of them since the quality of the existing coaching institutes was in doldrums. Most of the players (or rabbits, as we prefer to call them) were manically inclined towards increasing their revenue and undermined the priority of the students, i.e to be taught well and navigate smoothly to the various prestigious National Law Universities all across the country.
Ever since its inception, CLATapult has grown by leaps and bounds, overtaking all these institutes in terms of the results. The toppers from West Bengal since past two years (2016 and 2017 CLAT) have been from CLATapult.
Read the Interviews of the previous 2 years’ West Bengal Toppers from HERE and HERE
In the preceding five years, CLATapult has consistently improvised upon the Study Materials it shares with its students.
Off late, since past 1 year, we have laboured hard and added 10 new books to our already existing arsenal, taking the total count to 23. Yes, you read that right. We provide 23 module books!
Also, from the 15 mocks we conducted in a session till 2 years ago, we have increased the number of mocks to 60. Our mocks are online and are a replica of CLAT.
Another feather in our cap is the Exercise Tests that we have started to conduct from this session. Each Exercise Test consists of 50 questions, 10 from each subject, that is to be finished within 30 minutes. We will have 250 such Exercise tests through the session.
We conduct 4 classes of two hours each and 1 three hour long class in a week (11 hours in total) in which we compulsorily provide work-sheets in every class and conduct tests for each subject on a weekly basis.
We have a team of 10 teachers in CLATapult, 2 for each subject. All our teachers have been there and done that, having taken CLAT themselves and excelling at it, with their ranks within the top 200 in the All India category.
Additionally, we have an Interactive Forum meant only for our Classroom Students, for them to interact with our teachers, a google group consisting of all the past years’ papers, speed reading materials, work-sheets, current affairs monthly compendia, etc.
To sum it up, CLATapult has managed to outdo every other institute in the fray and, hence, the results!
If you are interested to have a taste of what quality CLAT Training is all about, give CLATapult a shot! Clatapult is preferred by law aspirants from all across the country because of the exceptional guidance. Just like any other Clatapult center, the clat coaching classes in Kolkata have also turned out to be a top-rated one. If you’re from Kolkata get the best quality of CLAT training from the best clat coaching class in Kolkata- Clatapult.
Here are some snaps from our newly developed Modules