- Separation of powers is a concept defined by Montesquieu is his treatise ‘The spirit of laws’. It means the executive, legislature and judiciary must be separate and independent of each other.
- Information Technology Act was enacted in the year 2000.
- Sale of Goods Act deals with sale of movable goods
- Sale of immovable goods is governed by Transfer of Property Act
- Mutual agency is the true test of partnership.
- The term of patent grant for inventions in India is 20 years except food and drug patents, for which the term is five years.
- The term of copyright for literacy, dramatic, musical or artistic works subsists during the lifetime of the author plus sixty years. In all other cases the term is sixty years from the year from the year of publication.
- The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 provides for a 3-tier redressal machinery, namely the District Forum, State Commission and National Commission.
- The monetary jurisdiction of District forum is up to 20 lakhs, while that of State Commission is between 20 lakhs and 1 crore and National Commission takes up cases, whose monetary value exceeds 1 crore.

- Negotiable Instruments Act recognizes three types of instruments such as (i) Promissory Note (ii) Bills of Exchange (iii) Cheque
- Sec. 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act lays down the penal liability of the drawer of a cheque in case of dishonour of cheque.
- Railway receipt, Lorry receipt, Bill of lading, Air way bill are considered as documents of title to goods.
- Environment Protection Act was enacted in the 1986.
- Abetment refers to a criminal offence, where in one person instigates another to do commit an offence.
- When two or more person agree to do an illegal act, such as agreement is called criminal conspiracy.
- When a person by words spoken or by conduct brings hatred or contempt towards the Government in India, it is termed sedition.
- When two or more persons fight in a public place thereby disturbing the public peace, they are said to commit affray.
- When 5 or more persons jointly attempt to commit or commit robbery, each one of them is said to commit dacoity.
- Sec. 300 of Indian Penal Code defines murder.
- Culpable homicide is a less serious offence than murder.
- All murder is culpable homicide, but all culpable homicide is not murder.
- Under sec. 302, the punishment for murder is death or imprisonment for life.
- A contract is an agreement, which is enforceable by law.
- All contracts are agreement, but all agreements are not contracts.
- A wager is an agreement between two persons under which money or money’s worth is payable by one person to another on the happening or non-happening of a future uncertain event.
- Contingent Contract is a contract to do or not to do something if some event, collateral to such contract, does or does not happen.
- Insurance Contract is a contingent contract.
- A contract of indemnity is a contract by which one party promises to compensate the other from loss caused to him by the conduct of the promisor or that of any other person..
- Limitation Act lays down period within which civil suits may be filed.
- Public Holidays are declared under Negotiable Instruments Act.
- Bailable offences are offences which are less serious than those which are non bailable.
- Non-bailable offences is one which is punishable with a death penalty or life imprisonment or imprisonment for 3 years or more.
- Cognizable offence means an offence for which a Police Officer may arrest without a warrant.
- Non-cognizable offences are less serious a nature and the police will not arrest the offender without a warrant.
- Indian Territorial waters extends up to 12 nautical miles from the base shore line.
- Exclusive Economic Zone extends up to 200 nautical miles from shore line.This area of the sea available for exclusive economic exploitation by Indian.
- High seas refer to area of sea beyond 200 nautical miles from base line. This area is open to all countries; but nobody could do anything here which is detrimental to globe.
- Right to information became statutory right from 2005.
- Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act 2005 empowers Hindu women and daughters to have equal shares in ancestral property along with male heirs.
- Constitutional 93rd Amendment of 2005 provides reservations of admissions in private educational institutions for SCs, STs and Backward Classes.
- Ad hoc Judges of Supreme Court are appointed by Chief Justice with the consent of President.
- Article 370 of the Constitution provides special provision for State of Jammu and Kashmir.
- Rajasthan for the first time implemented Panchayati Raj system.
- Chairman of Panchayat is Sarpanch.
- Minority Commission received constitutional status in 1992.
- Accused below the age of 18 years can be tried under Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000.
- Right to educational is a fundamental right.
- President of India grants clemency of capital punishment.
- Deponent is a person who makes an affidavit.
- Jurisprudence is the philosophy of law relating to its fundamental principles.
- Administrative law is the law relating to functions and powers of government organizations or authority.
- Court fee is payable on filing of a suit, application or appeal in a Court.
- Criminal misappropriation is the dishonest misappropriation or conversion of one’s use of any movable property.
- Dying declarations is a statement by a person as to cause of his death.
- Hostile witness is the person or witness who is not desirous to tell the truth that relate to the case subject matter.
- Vicarious liability is the liability of a person for acts of another.
- The State Emblem of India (prohibition of Improper Use) Act, 2005 prohibits the improper use of State Emblem of India for professional and commercial purpose.
- Right to worship is fundamental right.
- Right to contest election is a statutory right and not a fundamental right.
- Right to die is not fundamental right.
- Deponent is a person who makes an affidavit.
- FIR the First Information Report which is given to police about the complainant’s grievance against the culprit.
- Bail is the releasing of an arrestee after taking a bond or surety.
- Anticipatory bail is grant or release of an accused where he is apprehended by police for his arrest.
- Contempt of Court means wilful disregard or disobedience to a Court of Law.
- Interpretation of statutes is the method or a process of looking into the true meaning of word used in a statute.
- Contract of Bailment is a contract where in one party delivers goods to another for a specific purpose and upon its accomplishment the other party promises to return the goods for a consideration.
- Written statement is the pleading filed by defendant in a suit stating his grounds of his defence.
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