There are a lot of reasons I want to teach at CLATapult, the main and the most obvious being to provide proper assistance to aspiring future lawyers in their attempt to clear this competition.
CLAT as a competition has rapidly evolved over the past few years and I, being able to crack the most recent one, am able to guide the students through the nuances that are often skipped in the preparation but make a huge difference in the paper.
Not to mention the uncertainties that aspirants face every year, courtesy to the CLAT committee.

I personally never saw law as a career option until late 2014,back when I was in my class 12th, when my dad enrolled me in IMS coaching institute Lucknow for the preparations.
I had a lot of stereotypes in my mind for law as a career option most of it coming from the over the top TV series and Bollywood movies. It was here that I got interested in law and decided to pursue it as a career.
But the coaching failed to provide me the requisite tools I needed to crack the now dreaded clat’15.
That was when I decided to drop a year and focus completely on CLAT.
So, cut to mid 2015, I decided to join Clat Possible which is my city’s most renowned coaching when it comes to CLAT prep. However, it took me just one class to realize that what it had become was not a student-friendly environment for all students to learn and grow but a business enterprise with multiple batches running all day focusing on only those who they thought would succeed.
Now, there are certain subjects in CLAT which can make or break your rank, English and Maths being the most important.
Maths being my Kryptonite, what I expected from the teachers was to give in some extra effort to make me get the concept. What I got in return was just a professional teacher coming in to class everyday passing on a sheet full of questions and expecting me to make sense of it.
Let me warn you, most of these so-called Coaching Institutes are more of commercial entities, with the sole intention of minting as much money as possible!
In my case, what they didn’t realize was that I, being a commerce student, last studied maths in class 10th. I was not interested in the subject and the teacher made no efforts to get me interested in the subject. That finally resulted in me doing poorly in the maths section despite being able to score 141.75 in the next four subjects combined.
When a student drops a year and enrolls in a coaching, its not just the duty but a moral responsibility for the coaching institute to ensure that the student does well in the exam.
Each student that sits in a classroom has a different need and a different story. Some have financial troubles, for others like me there are nagging relatives who I never heard of but will pop up from random places when the result comes out.
A teacher is supposed to make them forget these problems for the two hours he or she is teaching. Teaching is not just making them mug up the answers but giving in the time required to clear their concepts so that the knowledge attained stays with them for the years to come.
Thankfully, my GK, Legal Reasoning and English teachers were able to do just the same and I cannot thank them enough for their help.
Now, lets talk about the reasons why I am passionate enough to teach at CLATapult. Coming from an entirely different part of the country I was astonished to see that CLAT was not such a huge deal in Orissa.
Back in my hometown, CLAT-prep is rapidly coming at par with IIT and NEET preparations with students putting in the efforts and the time, and in cases dropping two to three years just to qualify this competition.
Now, I have devised plans to make sure that the students in Orissa are able to compete with such competitive environment of the north. Students need inspiration and motivation to keep them going through the monotonous CLAT routine.
I hope that I will be able to provide these students with these insights about the competition level that they will be facing in the future. Not to mention all the fun aspects of law school to keep them motivated.
Law school for me has been an enriching experience.
I got to interact with students from all over the country, knowing about their cultures and experiences. Not to mention that it helped me break a lot of stereotypes I had in my mind, helping me become a better version of myself.
It helped me become more confident, with seniors trusting me with positions of responsibility be it moots, conferences or our beloved college fest.
I’ve learned to become more professional in words and in actions. Moreover the college trips to Puri and Konark has helped me fill both my mind and my gallery with some amazing memories.
I’m glad that National Law University, Orissa reinforced my trust in choosing law as a career and what was once a reluctant decision has become a passion. National Law University is a different world in itself.
To hear about it and to experience it are two completely different aspects.
Being in my early twenties I think I’ll be able to connect with the students on a deeper level and help them through their journey to get in the NLU’s, reliving my own it the process.
Hoping to hear from you soon!
Aditya Bishen
Aditya is the English faculty in CLATapult. He is from Lucknow and is extremely dedicated towards CLATapult. Just like Aditya, there are many other well-experienced faculty dedicated to Clatapult. The sincere faculties like Aditya make Clatapult a top-rated clat coaching class in the country. You can join Clatapult from anywhere as we provide both online and offline classes. Also if you’re in Kolkata and searching for one of the reputed Kolkata coaching classes, you will find us at the top of the list.
3 thoughts on “How my presence is going assist the CLAT aspirants in Bhubaneswar?”
Is ‘on a more deeper level’ correct English?
‘at’ would be appropriate, instead of ‘on’. Since the phrase signifies depth, in the real or abstract sense, ‘on’ presents a sort of contradiction, since the phrase depth signifies in any sense something to something that usually goes below, rather than above.
On that note, we would say ‘on could nine’ rather than ‘at cloud nine’, since clouds, in the real sense, are present above us.
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