Amrita Ghosh
Q. Convert the following into negative sentences. Choose the most appropriate option.

1. He is a better guitarist than me.
a. Guitar playing is our common passion.
b. I cannot compete with him.
c. I am not as good a guitarist as him.
d. To play guitar, I must see him.
2. Everyone was present.
a. No one was absent.
b. Everybody is present.
c. Is anyone present?
d. I am among those present.
3. I was offered a seat.
a. I was not denied a seat.
b. My seat is an offered one.
c. Seats have already been offered to me.
d. Offering of seats is not common for me.
4. I am sure that he has written this letter.
a. This letter is his writing.
b. No one can deny that I have knowledge of the letter.
c. The letter writer is known to me.
d. I am sure that no one other than him has written this letter.
5. He has always loved his nation.
a. He has sometimes unloved his nation.
b. He has never not loved his nation.
c. National loving is part of him.
d. He is loving towards his country.
6. This is a bad example.
a. The example is horrible.
b. To like the example is bad.
c. This is not a good example.
d. This is an example which is bad.
7. This pen costs fifteen rupees.
a. This pen does not cost more than fifteen rupees.
b. Cost of making pens is less.
c. This is worth less than sixteen rupees.
d. The cost of the pen is fifteen rupees.
Q. Convert the following into positive sentences. Choose the most appropriate option.
8. There is nothing better than a happy life.
a. Happy living is better.
b. A happy life is the best.
c. Happiness is best.
d. Better than sad life is happy life.
9. No one who is not extravagant will buy these shoes.
a. Only an extravagant person will buy these shoes.
b. Shoes are bought only by extravagant people.
c. Vagrant people need to be bought shoes.
d. To buy shoes you must be extravagant.
10. The two boys are not unlike each other.
a. The boys are like each other.
b. The boys like each other.
c. Liking each other is important for boys.
d. Unlikelihood arises over the boys disliking each other.
11. Do not forget to show respect to the community.
a. You must remember to show respect the community.
b. Insulting the community is bad.
c. Respect me but not them.
d. Do it and respect the community.
12. I do not know this person.
a. Persons are known to me.
b. This person is unknown to me.
c. Knowledge of this person is not for me.
d. Is this a known person?
13. I do not care much about the outcome.
a. The outcome is of little care for me.
b. I am disinterested in the outcome.
c. I care very little about the outcome.
d. To me the outcome is of little worth.
14. No leader was as bad as him.
a. Leaders were better than him.
b. He was the worst leader.
c. To be a leader, do not learn from him.
d. He did not know about leadership.
Answer Key
1. c. I am not as good a guitarist as him.
2. a. No one was absent.
3. a. I was not denied a seat.
4. d. I am sure that no one other than him has written this letter.
5. b. He has never not loved his nation.
6. c. This is not a good example.
7. a. This pen does not cost more than fifteen rupees.
8. b. A happy life is the best.
9. a. Only an extravagant person will buy these shoes.
10. a. The boys are like each other.
11. a. You must remember to insult the community.
12. b. This person is unknown to me.
13. c. I care very little about the outcome.
14. b. He was the worst leader.
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