Legal Reasoning for CLAT: Test II
1. PRINCIPLE: Damage without the infringement of a person’s legal right is not actionable in a court of law. If the interference with the rights
1. PRINCIPLE: Damage without the infringement of a person’s legal right is not actionable in a court of law. If the interference with the rights
1. Principle: Negligence is committed when there is a breach of duty of care and it results in damage to his neighbor. A neighbor is
This article is a follow up to the previous one here (a must read called, ‘Legal Reasoning for CLAT’). So, it’s been quite some time
INTRODUCTION The previous chapter introduced you to the concept of a tort. It is the failure to perform a legal duty ( A legal duty
CHAPTER 1: THE LAW OF TORTS AN INTRODUCTION Since all good books have a nice beginning so should this one. So here we go :
Legal reasoning as we all know is the sine qua non (google it to know what it means!) of the Common Law Admission test. This
NEGLIGENCE Negligence is the breach of a duty caused by the omission to do something which a reasonable man, guided by those considerations, which ordinarily
TRESPASS TO LAND Trespass, in its widest sense, signifies any transgression or offence against the law of nature, of society, or of the country, whether
A defamatory statement is a statement calculated to expose a person to hatred, contempt or ridicule, or to injure him in his trade, business, and
Tort is the French equivalent of the English word ‘wrong’. It is derived from the Latin term tortum and implies conduct which is twisted or
LIABILITY BY RELATION: VICARIOUS LIABILITY Master and Servant A servant and independent contractor are both employed to do some work of the employer but there is
Generally, a person is not liable for the acts of another person. However, a person can be held liable for the acts of another person
By Diwakar Kishore Don’t apply your own knowledge to answer a legal reasoning question! Legal Aptitude/Legal Reasoning has always been my favorite section of the
Principle 1: In common law, a person can claim damages from another person where that other person owed the first person a duty of care
What shapes our minds is what influences our reason. What shapes our minds also defines and develops our aptitudes. Reading ‘text’ of a Legal Reasoning