Viper, the daughter of Great Master Viper was born without venomous fangs. Her father, who relied on his venomous bite to protect the village, was despondent that she could never succeed him as a warrior, making her feel timid.
But she works hard. Hard enough to develop her own skills. Consistently. And when the time comes for her to prove herself, she does so. Impeccably. Beating the gorilla bandit who wore an armor hard enough to shatter her dad’s fangs when the latter tried to bite him.
Similarly, for every CLAT aspirant, General Knowledge (carries 50 marks in CLAT) seems like an unexplored island, an island full of dangers and uncertainty. But, in reality, it is not.
It is simple and requires practice and consistency.
Our concise advise is here. Read a good newspaper everyday, preferably The Hindu. Apart from providing us with outstanding doses of Current Affairs everyday with its amazing journalistic quality, this newspaper also helps us in improving our vocabulary and reading speed with its language.
A while ago, some girl somewhere in our country managed to rank 13th in the UPSC exam just by reading the newspaper everyday. Not that we are suggesting the newspaper as the exclusive recourse and not delving beyond, but we are trying to convey the message that you understand the significance of reading the newspaper everyday.
We also suggest all our students to regard Competition in Focus (they come up with their monthly editions) as a sacred text, a must-read.
This Awesome Twosome, The Hindu and Competition in Focus, followed for 14 months before CLAT will make you unconquerable, indomitable in Current Affairs.
Also, any decent book on Static General Knowledge. There are too many of them out there to chose from. And all of them are, more or less, the same.
It is imperative upon us to mention here that CLAT 2014 carried around 35 marks of static GK, out of the 50 marks that the GK section (both Current Affairs and Static GK within its ambit) carries. And CLAT 2013, around 25. Beware, if at all you tend to take static GK lightly!
As John C. Maxwell had once said, “Small Practices repeated with consistency everyday lead to great achievements gained slowly over time”.
Tried and Tested.
Make it the Viper way!